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Parsha in a nutshell

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Tetzaveh - Parshah - Weekly Torah Portion - Tetzaveh in a Nutshell The name of the Parshah, "Tetzaveh," means "Command" and it is found in Exodus 27:20 . G‑d tells Moses to receive from the children of Israel pure olive oil to feed the “ everlasting flame ” of the menorah , which Aaron is to kindle each day, “from …. The Parshah in a Nutshell Collection - Parshah in a Nutshell: Leviticus. Parshah in a Nutshell: Numbers

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Parshah in a Nutshell: Deuteronomy. Current Parshah. All Parshahs. Related Topics. Parshah (4852) …. PARSHAH in a nutshell Mishpatim - Chabad. The Parshah in a Nutshell Eikev - Chabad. Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25 In the Parshah of Eikev ("Because"), Moses continues his closing address to the Children of Israel, promising them that if they will fulfill the commandments …. parsha - Chabad. The Parshah of Nitzavim includes some of the most fundamental principles of the Jewish faith: The unity of Israel: "You stand today, all of you, before the L-rd your G-d: …. Parah in a Nutshell - Parah - Parshah - Parah in a Nutshell - Parah - Parshah. Mitzvahs & Traditions. Jewish Holidays. Parshah (Weekly Torah) Texts & Writings. Kabbalah, Chassidism and Jewish Mysticism. Ethics & Morality.

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. We Will Do and We Will Hear | Mishpatim | Covenant. The Parsha in a Nutshell In last week’s parsha Hashem gave the Children of Israel the Torah at Mount Sinai. This included the Ten Commandments. In this week’s parsha we …. Parsha Summary for Parshas Vayishlach • Parshas Vayishlach. By Rabbi Aron Tendler | Series: Parsha Summary | Level: Beginner. Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an …. Parsha Summary for Parshas Toldos •

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. The Parsha returns to the story of Yakov and Esav. Esav’s marriage to two Canaanite women at the age of 40 (2148) brings disappointment to Yitzchak and Rivkah. In 2171, …

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. The Parshah in a Nutshell only for what they do but also for what …. The Parshah in a Nutshell. Shoftim. Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9. Moses instructs the people of Israel to appoint judges and law-enforcement officers in every city; "Justice, justice shall …. Parsha in a Nutshell - The Power Of Prayer - Parsha Chayei Sarah. CHABAD OF RECHAVIAParsha in a Nutshell - The Power Of PrayerParsha Chayei Sarah18-Cheshvan-5782 24-October-2021 with Rabbi Levi Diamond. Parsha in a Nutshell - The Secrets Of The Torah - Parsha Achrei .. CHABAD OF RECHAVIA Parsha in a Nutshell - The Secrets Of The Torah Parsha Achrei-Kedoshim 6-Iyyar-5781 18-April-2021 with Rabbi Levi Diamond.. Parashat Vezot Haberakhah: Summary | My Jewish Learning. Before his death, Moses blesses the Children of Israel, reminding them that God’s teaching is the inheritance for the children of Israel and what unites them. Moses continues with a …. Ki Teitzei in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah -

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. The name of the Parshah, "Ki Teitzei," means "when you go out," and it is found in Deuteronomy 21:10. Seventy-four of the Torah’s 613 commandments are in the Parshah of Ki Teitzei.These include the laws of the beautiful captive, the inheritance rights of the firstborn, the wayward and rebellious son, burial and dignity of the dead, returning a …. Bo in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - The name of the Parshah, "Bo," means "Come [to Pharaoh]" and it is found in Exodus 10:1


The last three of the Ten Plagues are visited on Egypt: a swarm of locusts devours all the crops and greenery; a thick, palpable darkness envelops the land; and all the firstborn of Egypt are killed at the stroke of midnight of the 15th of the month of .. Tzav in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah -


Leviticus 6:1–8:36. The name of the Parshah, “Tzav,” means “command” and it is found in Leviticus 6:2. G‑d instructs Moses to command Aaron and his sons regarding their duties and rights as kohanim (“priests”) who offer the korbanot ( animal and meal offerings) in the Sanctuary. The fire on the altar must be kept burning at all .. Yitro in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - The name of the Parshah, "Yitro," means "Jethro" and it is found in Exodus 18:1. Moses ’ father-in-law, Jethro, hears of the great miracles which G‑d performed for the people of Israel, and comes from Midian to the Israelite camp, bringing with him Moses’ wife and two sons. Jethro advises Moses to appoint a hierarchy of magistrates and .. Devarim in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - Parshat Devarim (this weeks Torah portion) In parshat Devarim, there is a fascinating connection between developmental psychologist Erik Erickson’s “ego integrity vs ego despair” (a psychosocial stage of development starting around age 65) and Moses’s repetition of the Torah to the Jewish people which he begins to relate to the Jewish …. Lech Lecha in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah -


The name of the Parshah, "Lech Lecha," means "Go Forth" and it is found in Genesis 12:1. G‑d speaks to Abram, commanding him, “ Go from your land, from your birthplace and from your father ’s house, to the land which I will show you .”

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. There, G‑d says, he will be made into a great nation. Abram and his wife, Sarai, accompanied by his .. Toldot in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - Genesis 25:19–28:9

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. The name of the Parshah, "Toldot," means "Generations" and it is found in Genesis 25:19. Isaac and Rebecca endure twenty childless years, until their prayers are answered and Rebecca conceives. She experiences a difficult pregnancy as the “ children struggle inside her ”; G‑d tells her that “ there are two nations .

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. Beshalach in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - The name of the Parshah, "Beshalach," means "When he sent" and it is found in Exodus 13:17. Soon after allowing the children of Israel to depart from Egypt, Pharaoh chases after them to force their return, and the Israelites find themselves trapped between Pharaoh’s armies and the sea. G‑d tells Moses to raise his staff over the water; the .. Ki Tisa in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - Exodus 30:11–34:35. The name of the Parshah, "Ki Tisa," means "When you take" and it is found in Exodus 30:11


The people of Israel are told to each contribute exactly half a shekel of silver to the Sanctuary. Instructions are also given regarding the making of the Sanctuary’s water basin, anointing oil and incense.


Bereishit in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah -


The name of the Parshah, "Bereishit," means "In the beginning" and it is found in Genesis 1:1. G‑d creates the world in six days. On the first day He makes darkness and light. On the second day He forms the heavens, dividing the “upper waters” from the “lower waters.”. On the third day He sets the boundaries of land and sea, and calls .. Vayera in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah -

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. Genesis 18:1–22:24. The name of the Parshah, "Vayera," means "And He appeared" and it is found in Genesis 18:1. G‑d reveals Himself to Abraham three days after the first Jew’s circumcision at age ninety-nine; but Abraham rushes off to prepare a meal for three guests who appear in the desert heat. One of the three—who are angels .. Emor in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - Leviticus 21:1–24:23. The name of the Parshah, “Emor,” means “speak” and it is found in Leviticus 21:1. The Torah section of Emor (“Speak”) begins with the special laws pertaining to the kohanim (“priests”), the kohen gadol (“ high priest ”), and the Temple service: A kohen may not become ritually impure through contact .. Shelach in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - The name of the Parshah, "Shelach," means "Send" and it is found in Numbers 13:2. Moses sends twelve spies to the land of Canaan. Forty days later they return, carrying a huge cluster of grapes, a pomegranate and a fig, to report on a lush and bountiful land. But ten of the spies warn that the inhabitants of the land are giants and warriors .. Va’era in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - The name of the Parshah, "Va’era," means "and I appeared" and it is found in Exodus 6:3. G‑d reveals Himself to Moses. Employing the “four expressions of redemption,” take out the Children of Israel from Egypt, deliver them from their enslavement, redeem them, and acquire them as His own chosen people at “Mount Sinai”; He will then .. Nitzavim in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - Nitzavim in a Nutshell. The name of the Parshah, "Nitzavim," means "Standing," and it is found in Deuteronomy 29:9

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. The Parshah of Nitzavim includes some of the most fundamental principles of the Jewish faith: The unity of Israel: “You stand today, all of you, before the L‑rd your G‑d: your heads, your tribes, your elders, your officers ..